alphaQuad wrote:
> Would like to see all of this script. But the reason for my post is to request
> the transparent colored material used on the axis.
> I may have a use for this material as seen here.
It's nothing fancy. Really. Case #2:
#switch (Ref_Axis_Textype)
#case (1) //SOLID:
#local Xtex = texture{ pigment{rgb x} }
#local Ytex = texture{ pigment{rgb y} }
#local Ztex = texture{ pigment{rgb z} }
#case (2) //TRANSPARENT:
#local Xtex = texture{ pigment{rgbt <1,0,0,.7>} finish{ambient
0} }
#local Ytex = texture{ pigment{rgbt <0,1,0,.7>} finish{ambient
0} }
#local Ztex = texture{ pigment{rgbt <0,0,1,.7>} finish{ambient
0} }
#case (3) //TRANSPARENT 0 diffuse, with ambience:
#local Xtex = texture{ pigment{rgbt <1,0,0,.7>} finish{diffuse
0 ambient .5} }
#local Ytex = texture{ pigment{rgbt <0,1,0,.7>} finish{diffuse
0 ambient .5} }
#local Ztex = texture{ pigment{rgbt <0,0,1,.7>} finish{diffuse
0 ambient .5} }
#end //end #switch (Ref_Axis_Textype)
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