"Warp" <war### [at] tagpovrayorg> wrote
> And this isn't illegal? Doesn't it fall into something like
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_advertising
It's a complicated matter. Systems tailoring their behaviour to running
applications can have a perfectly valid reason. Sometimes, OS's and drivers
will do that to enable older applications that used, let's say,
unconventional or undocumented behaviour, to keep functioning. MS goes to
great lengths to accomodate badly written applications to maintain backwards
compatibility. Graphics card drivers work closely with major games and CAD
application vendors to maximize their performance, which benefits both
parties. So, a driver reconfiguring itself to maximize performance of CATIA
is not much different than a driver doing the same for 3DMark. Why should a
graphics driver optimized for many such applications let itself be
underspec'd through a synthetic benchmark, if it can help it?
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