Cool, I saw your hexagon and was messing with
Miller indices, and I found this site
which seems to explain simple Miller indices OK.
Still haven't looked at Miller-Bravais indices.
This is what I ended up with, but it's mostly untested.
#macro ThreePointPlane(P1, P2, P3)
#local n = vnormalize(vcross(P1-P2,P3-P2));
#local k = vdot(n,P1);
plane {n,k}
#macro MillerPlane(l,m,n)
#if (l!=0) #local lp = <1/l,0,0>; #else #if (m!=0) #local lp = <1,0,1/m>;
#else #local lp = <1,1/n,0>; #end #end
#if (m!=0) #local mp = <0,0,1/m>; #else #if (l!=0) #local mp = <1/l,0,1>;
#else #local mp = <0,1/n,1>; #end #end
#if (n!=0) #local np = <0,1/n,0>; #else #if (l!=0) #local np = <1/l,1,0>;
#else #local np = <0,1,1/m>; #end #end
#local test = ThreePointPlane(lp,mp,np);
#local isInside = inside(test,<0,0,0>);
#if (isInside = 0) object {test} #else object {test inverse} #end
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