Here is the code for this scene:
// Begin code
#version unofficial MegaPov 1.21;
// Macro straight from Megapov documentation
#macro WriteClothFile(filename, n1, n2, nlng, ks, ht)
#fopen file filename write
#write(file, n1, ", ", n2, ", ", nlng, ", ", ks, ",\n")
#local l1 = nlng*(n1-1);
#local l2 = nlng*(n2-1);
#local st = seed(1234);
#local i=0;
#while (i < n1)
#local j=0;
#while (j < n2)
#local tempx = -l1/2 + i*nlng;
#local tempz = -l2/2 + j*nlng;
#local tempy = ht + (-1+2*rand(st))*nlng*0.1;
#write(file, tempx, ",", tempy, ",", tempz, ", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,\n")
#set j=j+1;
#set i=i+1;
#fclose file
WriteClothFile("temp.cth", 50, 50, 0.2, 0.95, 0)
#declare stuff =
sphere {
<02.5, -2, 02.5>, 1
pigment {color rgb <0, 1, 0>}
simcloth {
environment stuff
friction 0
gravity -0.4*y
damping 0.9
intervals 0.03
iterations 1000
input "temp.cth"
mesh_output "cloth.msh"
smooth_mesh on
uv_mesh on
mesh {
#include "cloth.msh"
texture {
pigment {
color rgb <1, 0, 0>
color rgb 1
scale 0.1
object {stuff}
camera {
location <5, 1, -10>
look_at <5, 0, 5>
light_source {
<5, 15, -5>
color rgb 1
// end code
Why is the sphere showing through the cloth in the final scene? I'm
going nuts trying to figure out what I screwed up. Did I just hit a bug
in Cloth-ray?
William Tracy
You know you've been raytracing too long when www.povray.org is your
default homepage in your web browser.
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