Kirk Andrews nous apporta ses lumieres en ce 2007/06/24 07:03:
>> Looks good. Did you use an ambient occlusion shader for the surface?
>> ~Sam
> Thanks!
> No, I just used a couple slope maps to get a bit of the effect.
> Perhaps I'm not quite bright enough, but I didn't quite understand how your
> suggestion in the advanced users forum would work, the one with jittered
> object pigment. By "jitter", do you mean a slight amount of turbulence and
> rotation/translation each time, averaged together?
> Thanks,
> Kirk
That jitter means some small to medium, relative to the dimentions of the
object, translation of the object pattern, using many instances all averaged
together. You need at least 10 averaged patterns for this to work, and usualy
over 100 to get good results. As you don't use reflection, it can still be
relatively fast, it become painfuly slow if you have any reflection,
particularly if you have self reflection.
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Benjamin Franklin
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