I think I'll try the height field. I should have thought of that. I've
tried in the past to plot out a prism with the right shape, but I've failed
miserably. And no, I don't have access to the original vector graphic. I'd
dare say no one in my company does anymore (if they ever did... I'm thinking
we bought this somewhere... I've seen several other companies with the same
initials with the EXACT same logo shape, just in different colors or with
different embellishments... like the triangle in the D in ours... )
What confused me was the doc's description of the image_map:
"With image maps you should imagine that each pixel is a long, thin, square,
colored rod that extends parallel to the z-axis. The image is made from rows
and columns of these rods bundled together and the object is then carved
from the bundle."
I figured a clean edge parallel to the z axis would be solid. But I get it
now, since there's no surface at those points there's no image.
Thanks everyone for the explanations. I haven't POV'd anything in quite
some time. I was never an expert by any means, but now I'm even more out of
practice (I had to look up the syntax for the plane to refresh my memory!).
"Marc" <jac### [at] wanadoofr> wrote in message
> de news: pan### [at] removeitgeloeschtnet...
>> You need a prism for that. Prisms work with splines,
> An alternative easy way is height_field.
> Just save your alpha channel as an image and use it to make a height_field
> that you texture with your all opaque logo image.
> Set the water_level to open the wanted parts.
> http://www.povray.org/documentation/view/3.6.1/279/
> Marc
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