![](/i/fill.gif) |
scam wrote:
> Paul Fuller <pgf### [at] optusnet com au> wrote:
>> Nice images.
>> I wrote a little program to combine the three images dynamically
>> depending upon the mouse position on the screen. It uses a very simple
>> and not quite correct method but the results are interesting.
>> Sort of simulates varying the intensity of any of the three lights.
>> Unzip to a directory and run the exe.
> That is interesting, I wonder how far you could push this trick?
> I'm thinking out loud here, but bear with me. Lets say each image was 50KB,
> and you loaded the images into the fast RAM on a video card. With 100MBs of
> RAM you could have 2000 total images in memory, or alternatively your scene
> rendered with the lightsource placed at each point of a 45 by 45 grid. You
> would only need to sample the three or four images with the closest
> lightsource to simulate light positions between grid points, so it seems
> like computationally it would be feasible. With the use of an adaptive grid
> you could simulate real-time radiosity with all the bells and whistles in
> extrememly complex scenes.
> So... any chance you could share your code?
There are definitely some possibilities for giving games a ray-traced
like appearance without actually calculating everything dynamically.
You are limited though by the combinatoric explosion that happens if you
want to support too much with this method.
Probably better applied to local effects rather than the illumination of
the whole scene as it is here.
Another trick / trade-off not done here is to render the basic scene
then calculate each effect independently. Calculate the difference
between the original and new scene. You don' necessarily need to store
every different pixel. Perhaps only store the significant changes or
those within some subregion that is most significant.
By the way, there is a fault in the method as shown below. The first
image is displayed with Alpha=1.0. Then the second image is drawn over
it with an Alpha that depends upon how strong it should be. The third
image is again drawn over that and I think has too strong an influence
on the result. There needs to be some adjustment of the Alpha from the
simple method used here. Perhaps it could all be made additive...
I wrote the program in BlitzMax which is great for quick graphics stuff.
the graphics routines support hardware accelerated alpha and rotation
which is nice. You may not have or know of BlitzMax but the code is
pretty straightforward.
Also it is just knocked together after seeing Warp's post. Probably too
many globals and other frowned upon practices for the purists.
Anyway, publish and be damned:
Global G_ScreenWidth:Int = 800
Global G_ScreenHeight:Int = 600
Global G_MaxDistance:Float = G_ScreenHeight * 2 / Sqr(3)
Graphics G_ScreenWidth, G_ScreenHeight,1
' H:\Resources\Images\System\QiD Logo 1920x1200.png
' H:\Resources\Images\System\QiD Logo 1920x1200 - Gold.png
Global G_Image1:TImage = GetImage("Warp - Rad1.jpg")
Global G_Image2:TImage = GetImage("Warp - Rad2.jpg")
Global G_Image3:TImage = GetImage("Warp - Rad3.jpg")
Global G_P3:TPoint = TPoint.CreatePoint(G_ScreenWidth / 2, 0)
Global G_P1:TPoint = TPoint.CreatePoint(G_P3.X - G_MaxDistance / 2,
G_ScreenHeight - 1)
Global G_P2:TPoint = TPoint.CreatePoint(G_P3.X + G_MaxDistance / 2,
G_ScreenHeight - 1)
Global G_Mouse:TPoint = Tpoint.CreatePoint(0.0, 0.0)
Global G_Offset:TPoint = TPoint.CreatePoint((G_ScreenWidth -
ImageWidth(G_Image1)) / 2.0, (G_ScreenHeight - ImageHeight(G_Image1)) / 2.0)
While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)
G_Mouse.SetXY(MouseX(), MouseY())
Local S1:Float = CalcStrength(G_Mouse, G_P1)
Local S2:Float = CalcStrength(G_Mouse, G_P2)
Local S3:Float = CalcStrength(G_Mouse, G_P3)
DrawImageFade(S1, G_Image1)
DrawImageFade(S2, G_Image2)
If (G_Image3 <> Null)
DrawImageFade(S3, G_Image3)
Function GetImage:TImage(filename:String)
Return LoadImage(filename, FILTEREDIMAGE | MASKEDIMAGE)
End Function
Function CalcStrength:Float(p1:TPoint, p2:TPoint)
Local dx:Float = p1.X - p2.X
Local dy:Float = p1.Y - p2.Y
Local distance:Float = Sqr(dx * dx + dy * dy)
If (distance > G_MaxDistance)
Return 0.0
Return 1.0 - distance / G_MaxDistance
End Function
Function DrawImageFade(s:Float, image:TImage)
DrawImage(image, G_Offset.X, G_Offset.Y)
End Function
Function DrawMarkers()
SetColor(255, 255, 255)
End Function
Function DrawMarker(p:TPoint)
DrawOval(p.X - 1, p.Y - 1, 3, 3)
End Function
Type TPoint
Field X:Float
Field Y:Float
Function CreatePoint:TPoint(x:Float, y:Float)
Local T:TPoint = New TPoint
T.X = x
T.Y = y
Return T
End Function
Method SetXY(x:Float, y:Float)
self.X = x
self.Y = y
End Method
End Type
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