POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : hdr : Re: hdr Server Time
21 Feb 2025 13:05:00 EST (-0500)
  Re: hdr  
From: Christian Froeschlin
Date: 14 Apr 2007 12:00:38
Message: <4620faa6$1@news.povray.org>
Well, this is looking good. I finally got around to playing a bit
with HDR images and light domes, and I think a useful speed vs. quality
parameter would be a threshold for dropping light sources which do not
contribute a lot because the dome is locally dark.

Here's an adapted version of your do_lights macro, although I don't
have the patience to do such high quality renders and not the eye
for detecting the subtle differences in the shadows. Maybe you want
to try it out. It simply skips light sources when the value is below
a specified threshold, but sneakily preserves the global illumination
by distributing the lost light over the remaining light sources.

For this, light source creation had to be delayed into a second phase.
I also dropped "parallel" and "point_at" because I had strange effects
with that and the dome should simulate diffuse lighting anyway? BTW,
I never used point_at without spot_light, is it implicit?

Of course, a *really* smart macro might perform a recursive subdivision
on the sphere, using more light sources in areas where there is a lot of
light and/or structure, similar to anti-aliasing ;)

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