Radiosity is difficult. I learned from Skip Talbot that :
Typically I drop the recursion limit down to 1 or 2 and jack the count
setting way up. Although a significant portion of your image is in the
shadow, and with the nooks and crannies in the architecture you are using,
keeping it at 3 is probably best. You might want to try 2 and see if you
can get away with it. The reason you'd want to lower it is to save time,
because your count is way too low. I'd bump up to 1000 at least, and at a
recursion limit of 3 thats going to take forever.
The biggest factor here might be your error bound. A value of 0.1 is very
accurate and requires a very high count (and ages to render). Maxing out at
1600 you are still going to see artifacts probably. I'd raise that up to at
least 0.5 and you might want to go all the way to 1. Your lighting won't
be as accurate but it will be much smoother. Remember, as your error bound
lowers, the count has to go up.
Nearest count could also be increased to take a few artifacts out.
Maybe you can take profit from this?
Also, visit Tim Nikias' tutorial at
Hope this helps.
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