POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Up for the challenge? : Re: Up for the challenge? Server Time
4 Nov 2024 22:20:54 EST (-0500)
  Re: Up for the challenge?  
From: Simon
Date: 2 Feb 2007 14:21:39
Message: <45c38f43$1@news.povray.org>
> If anyone is up to the challenge, I'd be interested in seeing the results
> with information such as how long they took to render.

I have made a movie (1minute, 30fps, 640x480) which uses csg.  It's made 
of a single box from which I deleted thousands of reflective spheres and 
they move in all directions.  It looks like a living cavern or boiling 
cavern.  Back in around 2000 I had given it the name: LiquidMind.

I've specialised myself in these kinds of renders.  Why because there's 
always a better technology (radiosity, isosurfaces, etc) that comes out 
and they lack compatibility with other "rendering" systems I use (I work 
primarily with OpenGL and 2D SDL these days, using dots, not even lines 
or polygons).

I have to say, the difficulty with this challenge is not to have "as 
many object" for the "smallest code"; I'll do a single loop with only a 
sphere moving around that I might get a nice abstract scene.  But the 
challenge would be to get away from the abstract, this said, a better 
challenge would be to "make something meaningful or semi-realistic with 
as many objects as possible and with the smallest code".  Now that's a 
challenge, it's a real one... I... may not be able to follow this one! ;)

But keep rendering those, will discover all kinds of nice things ahead 
(such as spirals, stars, patterns and others)!


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