I'm getting strange black reflections on shiny balls.I'm usingt mlpov 0.8
with hdri. Anybody has an idea what is causing this?
The balls consits of two parts an inner ball with the following texture
#declare lightyellowfinball = finish { ambient 0 diffuse .0 reflection
{ <2.3,2.3,1>*1.1*0.9,<0.5,0.5,0.5>*0.9 } }
around this is a second ball slightly thicker
with the following texture map
#declare ttextur= texture { pigment {rgbt <1,1,1,1>} normal {bumps 1 scale
#if (strcmp(texturepic,"")!=0)
texture { uv_mapping
image_pattern { gif texturepic }
texture_map {
[0 uv_mapping ttextur]
[1 uv_mapping textur scale 1/mapscale]
scale mapscale
translate <0,1.02*mapscale,0>
rotate <0,15,0>
translate <0,1,0>
this seems to work fine for the balls themselves, but the transparent part
of the reflections go black... When i render the same pic without the second
ball the reflections don't go black
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