"Mike Sobers" <sob### [at] mindspringcom> wrote in message
> Yes, I know what you mean about the perspective. I was trying to show off
> the soft shadows and it didn't look right from above. Maybe i'll lift the
> letters off the plane a bit to see if that helps. Or, possibly stand the
> letters up and view them from the front. I don't want to go totally
> orthographic in this case, since I want to maintain the 3D look. I find
> that setting the camera back and using a small camera angle helps keep it
> looking "close" to orthographic but not quite (if that makes sense).
I did some titles for a quicktime slideshow I was putting togeather. I found
that looking straight on, with the text just slightly raised above the plane
using an area_light off to the left looked quite nice .... give it a try!
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