>> I've experimented with that.. rendering one at 1920x1080 then downscaling
>> to
>> 640x360.. I've also tried Gaussian average on 3x3 before and after
>> downscaling.... it's too much of a loss, and doesn't fully repair the
>> rings.
> Don't do it after rescaling, that won't fix anything and you will
> lose some sharpness. If you want to apply such a filter, do it
> before downscaling.
Yeah... what I meant is .. first I tried averaging -before- downscaling...
and then on another copy, I tried averaging -after- downscaling. Although
the -before- method made better results, it still was not enough.
> What software and settings did you use for downscaling?
Software is XnView.. Settings is the simple Bilinear method... it's the
simplest, most straight-forward, and doesn't produce the strange wavy jpegy
edge effects that most algorithms do. The algorithm I would prefer is...
interpolation when increasing the size and average when decreasing size...
but I'm still developing it in my graphics projects.
Is there anything I can do in POV-Ray?
Here's a section of code I use... so you can see I use the "disc" object and
use the "onion" function in the object. Is there a function I can use in
this object that will smooth out the rough rings?
#include _ringimage
#local ABdiff=_outer-_inner;
#local Xring=_outer/_nscale;
#local Malpha=_nscale*_inner/_outer;
#local Step=ABdiff*_nscale/(_divisions*_outer);
#local i=1;
#while (i<=_divisions)
object {
<0, 0, 0> y, Malpha+(i)*Step, Malpha+(i-1)*Step
ambient 0
brilliance 1
scale Xring*unitscale
hollow on
#local i=i+1;
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