I've not used sphere_sweeps much, but perhaps someone can explain why mine
looks like it does in this image? I thought I should see a nice smooth
transition from one sphere to the other... Granted, I'm working on a small
scale (as the code below shows), so is this a precision problem? I've tried
fiddling around, but I'm not understanding what's happening.
Any comments as to (a) what's wrong, and (b) how to fix this would be
greatly appreciated.
- How
#version 3.6;
global_settings {assumed_gamma 1.0}
camera { location <2, 1, -0> angle 1.5 look_at <6.1, 0.115, 5>}
background {color rgb 1}
light_source { <-30, 30, -30> color rgb <1, 1, 1> }
sphere_sweep {
<0.22, 0.18, -0.000>, 0.00501
<0.22, 0.17, -0.001>, 0.00452
<0.22, 0.16, -0.002>, 0.00401
<0.22, 0.15, -0.002>, 0.00302
<0.22, 0.14, -0.001>, 0.00301
<0.22, 0.13, -0.001>, 0.00302
<0.22, 0.12, -0.000>, 0.00501
texture{pigment{color rgb <1,0,0>}}
translate <-0.02,0,-0.005>
translate <4.77,0.2,3.64999>
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