"Zeger Knaepen" <zeg### [at] povplacecom> wrote in message
>"Doctor John" <doc### [at] linuxmailorg> wrote in message
>> -would work and prevent the "polygon not closed" warnings
>I tend to ignore warnings, but yes, indeed, that would be better :)
>but that's not the problem though, POV-Ray just closes the prism for you if
>you forget to
True, but you've then got less output to wade through when things don't work
>> Secondly (and to my eyes this a BIG problem) why is the macro
>> VerdeelSuperellipsoid calling itself?
>> Enlightenment needed.
>because it's a recursive macro, that's the whole idea :)
>but, as far as I know, there are no problems with the
Unfortunately, that's exactly where we seem to be getting problems. As soon
as I comment out the superellipsoid bits in greebletest.pov everything runs
I shall carry on trying to figure out exactly where your code produces the
Singular Matrix error (b4 anyone mentions it I already know that MInvers is
a function in matrices.cpp and that it's the only place in the source code
that generates a Singular Matrix error)
BTW Zeger, none of the above is a criticism of you or your coding. I
actually think that the concept is brilliant; I'm just having problems with
the implementation.
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The Management"
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