Has a kind of acoustical visualization thing going on about it, like air
molecules in rapid motion.
DLM mentioned the spelling of disfunction, in a roundabout way I guess. :)
Not that I know the word very well or anything but I think dys- probably
means something different from dis-, and looking it up at the online Merriam
Webster dictionary doesn't actually tell me anything more, except that dys-
could be for a special variation of *not* (which is what I consider dis- to
be, not function). Dysfunction would be something abnormal then, instead.
The Reality Disfunction title probably does okay for the picture. Although,
I do have to wonder now if it was intended to be about abnormality. ;)
I'm sure only some of you out there wanted to hear me say anything about all
that! Most of you are probably trying to not read this. LOL
Bob H
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