"Chambers" <bdc### [at] yahoocom> wrote in message
> Bob Hughes wrote:
>>> - The bricks (and mortar) show the correct bumpiness on the window-side;
>>> but the other sides are completely smooth.
>> Maybe changing the Brick_Func line to this?
>> Brick_Func(x,y,z)*(f_noise3d(x*0.02,y*0.02,z*0.02)/2)
> Hmm... now every side of the bricks is smooth.
Did you leave the other parts below that line in? When I got it to render
something, window opening too, it was all a granular surface everywhere. I
left all other parts alone except that line and just added the stuff it
needed to get a render of the object. Wasn't showing a wall of bricks,
though, just one large slab of a wall with the window cutout. Chances are we
could be on different paths but I thought it would show you something with
all sides unsmoothed.
Oh yeah, I was going to say something about the flower choice and missed my
chance before. I kinda like the dandelion more than a rose simply because
it's basically a weed so that seemed unique compared to using a more typical
flower type. Only problem with it might be getting it to look detailed
enough to keep from being just a yellow disk, although I was imagining
details were there and might actually be but I wasn't trying to see any.
Bob H
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