Afishionado wrote:
I'm impressed by your grit after the beating you took on that first
image ;)
THis is getting interesting now. The major change is that you are now
committed to a naturalistic portrayal. Before it was unclear where
"stylization" ended and "alien" began.
I believe that the gently rolling desert surface actually creates the
sense of vastness that you had noped for with the totally flat surface
earlier. It's change that never changes, a far more desolate concept to
the mind. Also, organizing the flying things into a flight stream is a
huge improvement. It also emphasizes the vastness, adds an orgaizing
element, and makes the scene seem more natural and real. It also
subtlely exploits that old trick of scifi depiction which is to bring us
into the alien world by suggesting to us something that is familiar.
Now that you have made the commitment to naturalism, that is what you
need to continue to improve in order to improve the picture. ie the
drapes need to hang more naturally, the animal needs some sort of
creasing in its flesh and so on.
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