"Jon Buller" <jon### [at] bullersnet> wrote in message
> Anyone know how to make translucent smoke that is opaque in just the right
> parts? I was thinking of a neon sign without the glass tubing, or perhaps
> a white fog tube with a bright colored wire running through the center to
> light it. Maybe it can't be done, or maybe I just haven't figured out
> what
> I'm doing yet. Any hints?
Not sure what you're asking. Pov's media will give a good smoke/fog. To get
a neon effect you'd want a media with emission in the colour of the neon,
absorption in grey (to provide the opacity, but probably much less than the
emission value), and then mess with the density to make it look right.
That should be a pretty accurate neon effect, since the gas in neon tubes is
at constant density, though you may get a nicer effect by using a density
pattern that follows your shape so you can get a brighter, more dense part
in the middle. Personally I'd avoid it because it's really hard making
patterns that accurately follow shapes.
That any help? I can bash together some sample code if you're interested.
BTW, your image seems sort of familiar to me:
http://evilsuperbrain.com/?bgID=1 :)
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