"Kenneth" <kdw### [at] earthlinknet> wrote in message
> Patrick Elliott <sha### [at] hotmailcom> wrote:
>>> What people are
>> screwing up is that they are setting the gamma to something that
>> has *nothing* to do with their displays actual gamma, so when they
>> load it one something else, it looks wrong. In the case of
>> programs that correctly handle the setting in the file, *they* are
>> assuming the 'real' gamma is different that your monitor and are
>> dropping or increasing the image colors to 'match' what they
>> 'think' your display uses, which is by default 1.0, not 2.2.
>> --
> I have to admit that I didn't know monitors (all of them?) have a
> default gamma of 1.
They don't. Most PC monitors (the ones I've measured) have a gamma of
almost exactly 2.2. This means, if you tell it to display RGB 128,128,128
and measure the brightness, it will be 0.5^(2.2)=0.2 of the brightness of
RGB 255,255,255.
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