"gerberc" <ni.### [at] bluewinch> wrote in message
> Render time was about 5.5 h at 2000x1500 pixels on a 3.6 GHz P4
> under Win XP. No radiosity and no area_lights though, just the sun and
> shadowless fill light. The slowest thing was the sky (media clouds).
Hmmm, strange, the clouds aren't the most impressive part of the image
(although that's because the rest is *very* impressive).
Maybe my fastclouds might help here. They're not really 3D, so they're
not 100% accurate, but they look good enough and render fast (see image,
rendered at 640*480 on an Athlon XP 2500+ under Windows XP, while typing
this message, in 8 seconds)
--- code: ---
#macro fastclouds(LS,Cast,Fluffyness,Translate,Scale,Scale2,MinT)
#ifndef (CloudForm)
#declare CloudForm=
pigment {
warp {turbulence .75 lambda 3}
scale 10
warp {turbulence .5 lambda 3}
scale 1/10
scale 100
warp {turbulence 1 lambda 2}
scale 1/100
rotate 45
#declare Clouds=
pigment {
color_map {
[(1-Cast) rgb 0]
[(1-Cast)+Fluffyness rgb 1]
translate Translate
scale Scale2
#declare Clouds3=
pigment {
color_map {
[(1-Cast)-Fluffyness/5 rgb 0]
[(1-Cast)+Fluffyness*1.5 rgb 1]
translate Translate
scale Scale2
#local Clouds2=
pigment {
color_map {
[(1-Cast)/1 rgb 0]
[1+Fluffyness rgb 1]
translate Translate
translate -vnormalize(LS)*.25*Cast
scale Scale2
#declare Cloudsphere=
sphere {
pigment {
pigment_pattern {Clouds}
pigment_map {
pigment_pattern {Clouds2}
color_map {
[0 rgb 1 transmit 1]
[1 rgb .5 transmit 1]
pigment_pattern {Clouds2}
pigment_map {
[0 rgb (1*MinT)+LColor*(1-MinT) transmit .5+MinT/2]
[1 rgb MinT filter 1]
finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}
scale 500
translate -y*450
scale Scale
object {Cloudsphere}
--- end code ---
--- usage: ---
// usage for this demo-image
#declare CloudForm= // the shapes of the clouds
pigment {
warp {turbulence .75 lambda 3}
scale 10
warp {turbulence .5 lambda 3}
scale 1/10
scale 100
warp {turbulence 1 lambda 2}
scale 1/100
rotate 45
#declare LS=<-50000,35000,50000>*1000; //Sun light_source location
#declare Cast=.4; // 0: no clouds, 1: fully overcast, can be higher
than 1
#declare Fluffyness=.3; // 0: very hard-edged clouds, 1: very soft
#declare Translate=15; // translation of the cloud-pattern
#declare Scale = 100; // scale of the cloud-pattern
#declare Scale2=.045; //uhm, I forgot :)
#declare MinT=.025; // minimum transparency of the clouds (can be seen
as the inverse of the "thickness" of the cloud-layer)
--- end usage ---
#macro G(b,e)b+(e-b)*C/50#end#macro _(b,e,k,l)#local C=0;#while(C<50)
sphere{G(b,e)+3*z.1pigment{rgb G(k,l)}finish{ambient 1}}#local C=C+1;
#end#end _(y-x,y,x,x+y)_(y,-x-y,x+y,y)_(-x-y,-y,y,y+z)_(-y,y,y+z,x+y)
_(0x+y.5+y/2x)_(0x-y.5+y/2x) // ZK http://www.povplace.com
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