Ard nous apporta ses lumieres en ce 2005-10-31 15:10:
>>Behind the camera is an
>>abmient plane to lighten up the front (it's south facing in the southern
>>hemisphere). If I take that out then it becomes fairly dark
> This is a newbie question, hope you can help. How does an ambient plane
> light up objects facing it, since an ambient plane isn't a light source?
> Do you have some reflection in the textures on the house?
> TIA.
When you use radiosity, it IS a light plane. When using radiosity, anything with any
ambient value
(different than zero) will actualy emit some amount of light. That's why I made a
metals2.inc where
I removed all ambient, generaly looks beter to. Should do the same with several
standard includes
some time.
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