Skip Talbot wrote:
> Yeah except it happens twice. The surface of the water is near the top
> of glass, but the straw breaks midway down. I'm guessing this is caused
> by the IOR of the glass taking over at this position, probably do to
> coinciding surfaces. Notice the jagged patter to the left of the break,
> probably the mesh (if it is a mesh) where the surfaces intersect.
I thought that was due to the shape of the glass .. notice that at
table-level the glass isn't a circle, but has corrugations. I assumed
that these started at the point of the second break..
> Also
> notice, how the glass clips the bottom end of the straw unnaturally. Its
> funny the things you notice when you give an image a second look.
Once again, I think this is the same .. the corrugation near the end of
the straw hides it, and so it looks unnatural.
If the OP is reading this, can you comment? (And possibly post a version
without the water .. (and I guess photons won't matter either :)))
Rick Measham
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