"Orchid XP v2" <voi### [at] dev null> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
>> Cool, i like filter design and this stuff, though i'm still at
>> FIR-filters
>> and haven't played with z-transforms yet.
>> How does it sound? :)
> With a fixed cutoff frequency... almost inaudable. But if you *sweep* the
> cutoff frequency, it sounds mostly like a phaser.
Nice, i like to 'explore' a sound with filters like that, afterwards
it's easier to identify the different sources from which the sound is built
> FIR filters are much easier to design, and can give a more exact frequency
> responce.
i especially was stunned by the idea that you can make up an arbitrary
freq.-response and get the corresponding filter-kernel by FFT-ing it.
> IIR filters are harder to design, and don't give quite such exact
> frequency characteristics... but they run *much* faster! (For example, the
> above filter requires 5 multiplies and 4 additions per sample to filter a
> signal. A 5-point FIR couldn't possibly produce such a narrow reject
> band.)
yes, the feedback-idea behind IIRs is cool. i have to learn more about
that some time.
> Anyway, I learned everything I know here:
> http://www.dspguide.com/
i know this book, it's a real gem, i have never seen the basics of
convolution, fft, etc. explained clearer than in this one
> Enjoy. ;-)
Thanks, i have :)
i just had an idea for your picture, i think it would be nice to
have circles around the origin of the complex plane, especially
the unitcircle, that would be useful for stability analysis, etc..
(you probably know more about that than i). and perhaps radial rays
so that you can see the angle. or briefly said: i think polar coords.
would be more useful than rectangular coordinates
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