EagleSun wrote:
>>>And how do you post more than 1 picture?
Alain replied:
>>Using Netscape or any Mozilla flavour (X-User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 ...). Once you >
have attached the first one, repeat
> the process for the other(s) picture(s).
>>Once you've attached all pictures, hit "Send"
EagleSun then replied:
> Trying this now in Firefox, I see Attachment box... so loading image.
Not sure what Alain or Eero are referring to .. Alain may be referring
to some other web interface for accessing the newsgroups while Eero
seems to be referring to using Thunderbird.
Whichever, you need to use something other than the povray website
interface to the newsgroup.
In outlook or thunderbird, add a new account that is a usenet news
account. The server is 'news.povray.org'. Once you're using a proper
news reader, you can add as many attachments as you like.
Rick Measham
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