"Tek" <tek### [at] evilsuperbraincom> wrote in message
> What do you think?
I think I want to borrow this and replace my asteroids wallpaper already--
so with your permission...?
This is very good, Tek. I've always wanted to try something like this
<rhetoric>Funny how these deep space pictures always make me feel like we're
all just a tiny part of some kind of pondwater microbe. More fun to see how
incredibly enormous and limitless it all must be. I'm glad it isn't a boring
looking place for us. Imagine being stuck in a thick intergalactic cloud and
not being able to see beyond the nearest star or planets! Our whole visible
universe could have been the Sun, Moon, and maybe a few planets. Something
like living in a city with perpetual smog and light pollution. Luckily
there's those telescopes on mountaintops and in space to see with, so it's
even better than just starry skies.</rhetoric>
; )
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