Bob Hughes wrote:
Nice texturing.
> Yeah, I know, they only look vaguely like space rocks. Thought I'd
show how strange they can be if you aren't familiar with them already.
Maybe I'll be able to make better cratered surfaces without resorting to
image/bump maps someday but this isn't the day.
An idea for some Q&D craters
#local S = seed(1234);
#local DensityCurve =
spline {
0/2 <0,0,0>
1/2 <.5,.15,0>
2/2 <1,1,0>
#local PN =
pigment {
pigment_map {
#local I=0;#while(I<256)
#local ScaleFactor = DensityCurve(rand(S)).y;
scale .15*ScaleFactor
#local ScaleFactor = .5*ScaleFactor;
poly_wave .8
pigment_map {
[0 rgb .1]
[.1 rgb 10*(1-ScaleFactor)]
[.2 rgb -20*(1-ScaleFactor)]
[1 rgb -30*(1-ScaleFactor)]
rotate <rand(S)*180,rand(S)*180,rand(S)*180>
#local I=I+1;#end
sphere {
0, 2
pigment { rgb .6 }
normal {
pigment_pattern {
pigment_map {
#local Scl = 1;
#local I=0;#while(I<12)
scale Scl
rotate <rand(S)*180,rand(S)*180,rand(S)*180>
#local Scl=Scl*.8;
#local I=I+1;#end
bump_size 15
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