"PM 2Ring" <nomail@nomail> schreef in bericht
> Thanks, Thomas, I'll start rendering a stereo version tonight, on my
> old 500MHz, 256Mb Windows 2000p machine. It may take some time to do high
> quality, especially if I use area lights, etc.
I am interested to see the result!
> And Kepler played a key role in this increase. [.....] And, with those
qualities, I reckon
> he'd be brilliant at POV, too. (Hey, I managed to get back on-topic. :)
Yes, it is fascinating to read how science was done in those times, but also
to see that mankind is mankind. Petty things like those Mars observations
for instance.
> And still worth reading, if you don't mind a bit of mathematical mysticism
> thrown in. Personally, I find it fascinating, to see how various belief
> systems influence how people think about the world.
Yes indeed. I am much interested in the philosophy and history of science
myself, especially to understand (and make understand) how science is done
and how our own mental and psychological limits dictated by time, belief, or
place, influence the whole process. And, to keep on topic too ;-) , POV can
help quite a bit to do that!
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