aaglo nous apporta ses lumieres en ce 2005-06-17 10:21:
> Hi!
> Here is rather recent creation: USS constitution. The ship isn't very
> detailed for a simple reason - it was used to make a unit for a computer
> game called Civilization 3.
> I've done a lot of graphics for civ3 with pov-ray versions 3.1, 3.5 and 3.6.
> The ship is modelled completely with pov-ray by using merely intersections,
> differences, unions and such.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
I recognised the ship without looking at the title of your post!
I have a miniature model of that ship. The masts are much narower, particarly the
beaupre. The main
mast is a little more to the back. The inter-mast sails are all trepezoidal, not
On my model, there are 16 canons sabords, plus 11 other canons on each sides.
It's also equiped with extention sails placed on the ends of the booms, holded by
small floating booms.
Nice modeling.
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