POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Two point perspective? : Re: Two point perspective? Server Time
22 Feb 2025 18:35:21 EST (-0500)
  Re: Two point perspective?  
From: Rick Measham
Date: 1 Mar 2005 07:50:36
Message: <4224651B.7090704@nomail>
stm31415 wrote:
> I figured out how to do this, if anyone is interested. The angle is
> indirectly related: the direction vector's *length* is equal to the
> distance to the second point, and therefor to the ideal location of the
> viewers eye. This makes sense: your eye is placed in the same place as the
> camera, in relation to the image plane. I am going to attempt to write a
> macro that gives similar ideal viewing location for different size images,
> if anyone is interested. The trade-off here is distortion vs. depth. In the
> ideal location you wont see any distortion, but the further that location
> is from the image plane, the less depth is recorded. Any comments or help
> would be great.

This all sounds fascinating .. hows it going?


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