POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.competition : Why I won't enter PoVComp again. : Re: Why I won't enter PoVComp again. Server Time
18 May 2024 17:12:31 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Why I won't enter PoVComp again.  
From: St 
Date: 25 Feb 2005 17:54:41
Message: <421facb1@news.povray.org>
"j" <phazxero[at]hotmail[dot]com> wrote in message 

> Steve do you still remember the rant I had a few months ago?

  Yes, I do. :)

 I was
> complaining that pov models are going to be rated the same as models made
> with 3rd party tools.  And yes I was pretty upset and frustrated at that
> point and made the decision not to enter the competition because it's 
> going
> to be a waste of time. And oh yes I strongly believe that I was right at
> that point and everyone else are wrong. But I do want you to know what
> happened after I made that decision.
> To be honest, my initial goal to enter the competition is for the prize, 
> but
> then after knowing that I won't have the advantage of using models made in
> povray, as well as hearing how your modeling skill is close to Mr.
> Rosenman, how the hell do I stand a chance? So I stopped working on my
> image, stopped for two weeks, and during those two weeks I reflected on 
> the
> kind of things I said, and realized that I am not completely correct.
> Gilles was right that modelers are not necessarily easier than povray
> models, it's like having oil painting and watercolour, they are different
> things and both have their own advantages and disadvantages.  If this
> competition involves no prizes would you have entered? Back in September I
> would've said no, but starting in November I realized my goal shouldn't
> simply be chasing after first place. You can say I am just bullshiting
> right now because the contest is over, but my expectation dropped from
> "hopefully winning some poster money to print the poster for my Design
> Project Presentation" to "using this as a chance to show the rest of the
> people that yes, povray is capable of doing things that normally people
> won't do".  That is my principle, and to be precise, my principle is that
> it is not the tool you choose to use, but rather, how you use that tool to
> make your image.  And it's NOT simply using that tool, but using it in an
> innovative and interesting way. At least that's my believe.

 And that's what I think too, hence my image "Immenent". Apart from the 
first table, everything else was placed by hand in pov. That was some 
achievement to do that.

If I give you
> three colours, red yellow and blue, what are you going to do with it? Some
> people may draw really creative patterns with only those three colours, or
> some people may mix the colours and get millions of other colours.

  Not me. I would have a blue tiger eating a green antelope in a red field!

   Heh... I'll HAVE to try that sometime! PoV only, of course... Hmm.  ;)

> point is, the art is in you, not what's given. If you perceive this 
> contest
> as a way to explore what haven't been done before, then you, and I, will 
> be
> a lot more happy.

     Yes, I understand that.

> I don't use povray "very often", in fact, the only time I get to play 
> around
> with it is during summer break, and now with work + school I can't really
> afford to spend a lot of time of this competition. So for someone like me
> (and probably a lot of other people) who can't dedicate sufficient chunks
> of time in this matter, my hope is that someday, people will recognize my
> work and say, yes, it is something unique, it is something that is

    Then follow your dream J. For you, it will happen. I already know that 
you are a 'serious' person, and that counts for a lot these days. I respect 

 I was wrong in the first place for looking at things from one
> direction, I was looking at povcomp in the sense that it has large first
> prize. After two weeks of self reflection, it was clear to me that there 
> is
> another way to look at the competition, it's a way to promote mutual
> learning. You too should try to see things with a different perspective,
> perhaps you will get more insight to the true meaning of your values.

   Thank you for that. I enjoy learning from young people too. Quite often, 
they are way above my head with their work, but it's always an 'exciting' 
experience for me to see what you younger people are doing. I applaud you, 
keep at it.

>> This has nothing to do with my image. It is to do with principle.
> If this is your principle then it's a good thing that you sticked with it. 
> I
> did, at one point, was tempted to use a modeller to make one of the
> objects, because the povray model lacks detail and it is very crappy. But
> no, in the end, i didn't use a modeler because it was the goal of my entry
> to exploit povray as a modeler.

  That's fair enough - I have no argument at all with this. In fact, if the 
truth be known, I should *never* have downloaded Wings at all, and stuck 
with learning pure POV. I'm sure I could come up with all sorts of pretty 
and fascinating patterns, but when it comes to adding a bevel in POV, I 
understand that it's a complete pita. Do I want that? No, is the answer.

>> Sure, I understand this, but please, don't think I was unappreciative. I
>> just think it was a waste of time for anyone not using pov only.
> My thought WAS the same.

   And I thank you for that. You're an intelligent young person, I wish you 
well with what you want from life. Good luck to you.


> Just a thought.
> J

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