> Well, if it's the same as the first knot, below, and I think it is, then
> it's a "3,2 Torus Knot" (which I generated using KnotPlot --
> http://www.cs.ubc.ca/nest/imager/contributions/scharein/KnotPlot.html )
> In which case, using KnotPlot, I deformed it (continuously, so it should
> be topologically equivalent) to the second knot, below, which looks
> somewhat familiar ;-)
OK, now I'm puzzled...
The first image does indeed appear to be the same knot - as far as I can
tell. And yet, you claim it's topologically equivilent to the trefoil
knot. And yet... I computed the Jones polynomial for it, and it's
different to either of the trefoil knots...
Well, one of us has fluffed up somewhere :-S Since the procedure you
undertook is simpler, I suspect it was me :-$
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