dan B hentschel nous apporta ses lumieres ainsi en ce 2004-10-08 10:57... :
>Ok. Here's another iteration. I'm getting much closer to what I want. The
>index of refraction on the plastic walls is much too high. Need to tone it
>down a bit. Other than that. I'm getting close to wrapping this one up. I
>may add another block type or two. We'll see.
>Question of the week:
>My wood floor is macro generated, and I vary the orientation and scale of
>the floor texture randomly on a per-board basis. Is there an easy way to
>adjust the hue/brightness of the entire texture as well? Here is a code
>#include "woods.inc"
>texture {
> T_Wood2
> scale 0.9 + rand(floor_sd)*0.2
> rotate y * (rand(floor_sd)*4 - 2)
> translate rand(floor_sd)
>I could probably copy the TWood2 definition out of woods.inc and the update
>it appropriately, but I was hoping there was a way to do what I want
>without needing to go to that extent. I can't think of any way, though. Any
> - dan B hentschel
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
You need to manipulate the whole color_map to acheive that, from the
woodmaps.inc file.
Another solution whould be to apply a filtering varnish over your
texture, as an additional filtering pigment.
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