> I want to model a starglobe. Can somebody help me with a starmap like
> the attachment?
> Thanks and greetings...
> Wijnand Nijs
Try using my starmap include file... I hav attached it to this post... If
the attachement hasn't survived, you can download it from
There is an example made with it on the illustration page of my website
All you need to do is define a macro and then include the file...
#macro Star(vPosition, fMag)
#include "starmap.inc"
The vPosition parameter is the star's position at a unit distance from the
The fMag is the star's magnitude. It ranges from -1.1 to about 6
You can of course make the macro more complex... there is an example at the
top of the incude file itself...
The include file calls the Star() macro 9000+ times. Once for each star.
I compiled the include file using a simple VB program from the Bright Star
Catalogue, so it has every naked eye star on it.
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Download 'starmap.inc.txt' (387 KB)