Hugo Asm wrote:
> I think the "problem" is that Wings3D do not support welding any kind of
> vertices, because of it's "winged edges" structure. Please don't ask me
> about the details, but the author of Wings3D says it's easier to code that
> way, and from a user perspective I think it's also helpful because you won't
> easily end up with a degenerate mesh. It sort of prevents you from doing
> that (not that degenerate meshes is a problem in all applications)... Well,
> I don't think it's necessary to change the "weld" command because we have
> the "bridge" command that will join faces as needed... So far I've made
> about 50 different meshes with Wings3D and nothing seems impossible with the
> already supported set of features. (I would like a CSG / boolean feature, it
> would ease some tasks, but that's another story).
> Regards,
> Hugo
Yes all that is true. The "weld" command joins vertices that are
proximate and describe complete faces that could be "bridged". It is
useful to restore the join along a loopcut when you have temporarily
divided your geometry into separate objects for some reason. I do this
loop-cutting/welding frequently in conjunction with magnet actions for
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