POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : My desert WIP Take 2 [~88kB] : Re: My desert WIP Take 2 [~88kB] Server Time
7 Nov 2024 13:40:20 EST (-0500)
  Re: My desert WIP Take 2 [~88kB]  
From: Thomas de Groot
Date: 7 Aug 2004 03:41:47
Message: <411487bb@news.povray.org>
"Doug Kavendek" <dka### [at] stevensedu> schreef in bericht
> However, I'm confused by the lighting - the sky gets brighter to the
> but the shadows indicate that the light source is from the left of the
> (maybe this is a natural phenomenon of the coloring of the sky, but it
> unnatural to me).  It also doesn't appear too "hot" somehow, as if it's
> either an overcast day (which the sky doesn't show), or that the sun is
> about to go down (which I guess makes sense, given the angle of the
> so nevermind that comment  :P ).

Aargh! Yes, you noticed!! The coloring of the sky comes from the fact that I
used a spotlight, and as the sphere representing the sky is not too large,
you get this effect. Initially, I wanted to use media, but, for the time
being, I abandoned that option.
Have still to look at sky and sun indeed.
> Also, to be nitpicky, the top of the closer cactus seems to make the same
> little twist as the one in the middle, which almost makes it look like
> they're just two copies of the same one.  This isn't the case, on closer
> inspection, but the first impression is that they're the same.  Maybe if
> bottom one twisted a little in the other direction at the top, it'd be
> obvious.

Well, they are the same object, only with a different scale and, of course,
y-rotation. Hmm... means I have to do something about this... In any case, I
am not entirely satisfied yet with them yet.
> But still, a fine image, I like it.

Thank you, indeed. Also for your comments!


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