Well, here it is!
I terminated my previous attempt to render this after waiting some 5
*days* or so...
Special thanks to my new best friend, Tor Olav Kristensen, who showed me
a significantly faster way to calculate the image. Thanks to him, I was
able to re-render the same image, with *two* light sources instead of
one, and a significantly higher max_gradient...
...in only 15 hours!
Personally, I think it looks *cool*! (I think it could _still_ do with a
slightly might max_gradient - or possibly the accuracy needs changing. I
only recently discovered the accuracy parameter - it can make quite a
In my lunch break at work, I have done several other plots - many of
which are truely stunning. But I don't have them with me here to post.
My current work is on dividing space into lots of cubes, and figuring
out which of those cubes actually contain some surface. It seems if I
tell POV-Ray to render only those cubes, I get *massive* render speedups...
...OTOH, computing this grid takes a significant amount of time. And
lots of the higher-iteration forms have very long, thin "shoots" on
them, which tend to get "missed", resulting in them being incorrectly
cut off in the render...
(I'm actually not sure why the grid computation goes so increadibly
slowly... maybe I'll implement it in some other programming language...
but hey!)
I hope to post much, much more... but it'll take time! ;-)
Andrew @ home.
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