"Eli" <eli### [at] jehoelnet> wrote in message news:41031fd2@news.povray.org...
> Did you know that with very high probability the shroud of Turin has been
> created by Leonardo da Vinci?
Interesting possibility, yes. I was watching a television show about that
tonight. Had seen part of it recently but saw more this time. They show a
camera obscura which he drew and the speculation is that with crude lenses
of the time it would have been possible to create a photo image on cloth
that had photo-reactive chemicals on it. DaVinci had read what an Arabic man
had done with such chemicals. Didn't see if they tried to prove those
chemicals might have been embedded in the cloth, I was interrupted by a
phone call.
This 3D image looks very good. This must be the film "negative" sort of
thing, with dark areas being toward white and light areas being toward
Bob H.
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