Dave VanHorn nous apporta ses lumieres ainsi en ce 2004/05/15 18:12... :
>I'm using pov to do some mechanical planning for a project.
>It's two towers of identical capacitors and spark gaps, fed with a ladder of
>When the spark gaps fire, they change the capacitor connections from
>parallel to series, and in this case, multiply the voltage from 10,000V to
>100,000V on each tower. The towers will be set opposite, so that one goes
>from +10kV to +100kV, and the other goes from -10kV to -100kV, making the
>potential across the tops 200kV.
>What I need now (other than some real textures) :) is a way to do some
>realistic wires.
>The wires connect the spark gaps (brass doorknobs) to the ends of the
>On any given gap, the left knob connects to the left lower cap terminal, and
>the right one connects to the right upper cap terminal, so that the spark
>gaps can be thought of as being connected diagonally across the
>capacitor/resistor ladder.
>I'm not seeing how to make the wires since they need complex curves that I
>can't easily define mathematically.
Have you tried using sphere_sweep with b_spline or cubic_spline for your
wires? You set some control points and the sphere sweeps smoothly from
one to the other. You need 2 extra, purely controll, points, one at each
end of the sweep, and you can have as many other points as you want.
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