How can I get a decent looking sky, given that I'm actually modeling the
surface of a planet, with light coming from a sun at scale distance?
I haven't been able to make top lit clouds work at all..
#declare Inch = 1;
#declare Foot = (Inch * 12);
#declare Yard = (Foot * 3);
#declare CM = (Inch / 2.54);
#declare MM = (CM / 10);
#declare Meter = (CM * 100);
#declare kM = (Meter * 1000);
#declare Mile = (Foot * 5280);
//El Sol
#declare Solar_Radius = (696000 * kM);
#declare Hours = 12;
#declare Minutes = 35;
#declare Seconds = 00;
#declare Latitude = 40;
#declare Time = (360 / (24 * 60 *60)) * ((Hours * 60 * 60) + (Minutes * 60)
+ Seconds);
//For animating the sun, use this
//#declare Time = ((360 / (24 * 60 * 60)) * ((clock + .25) * 60 * 60 * 24))
#declare Ceiling = (25000 * Foot) / (2 * pi);
#declare Sun_Dist = (93000000 * Mile);
#declare Sun_Rad = sin(radians(0.5))*Sun_Dist;
#declare Sun_Pos = <0, 1, 0>; //y+z+x
#declare Sun_Pos = vnormalize ( vrotate ( Sun_Pos, 0*x )) * Sun_Dist;
#declare Sun_Paint = texture { pigment {White * 1} finish {Dull} };
//This model assumes the sun orbits 0.0.0, and that the planet is a sphere,
translated to put
//the interesting part of the surface at 0.0.0
//Not exactly accurate, but close enough.
//It's also northern-hemispheric.
light_source { 0*x color White * 1.1 * (Sun_Dist * Sun_Dist) // Follows
inverse square law
media_attenuation on
translate Sun_Pos
fade_distance 1
fade_power 2
rotate <-Latitude, 0, (180 + Time)>
looks_like { sphere {<0,0,0> Solar_Radius texture {
Sun_Paint }}}
media_attenuation on
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet?
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