POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : My LOTW project (145K) : Re: My LOTW project (145K) Server Time
27 Dec 2024 19:47:15 EST (-0500)
  Re: My LOTW project (145K)  
From: Jaime Vives Piqueres
Date: 29 Apr 2004 17:47:27
Message: <409177ef@news.povray.org>
stephen parkinson wrote:
> first thought, where is it? second - photo, third - has the Loch Ness 
> monster moved residence :-)

   You mean the foam in the middle of the lake? This is a side effect of 
the foam technique... nothing misterious, I hope: I've enough with the 
artifacts! :)

> some silly questions
> what is the range of x,y,z in the pic for the iso-surfaces?

   The container is box{<-200,0,-200>,<200,8,200>}, although the peaks 
rarely reach the "ceil". I tried to keep the scene scale somewhat like 

> do you do the iso as <-1,-1,-1> to <1,1,1> and scale ?

   No, I never scale isosurfaces! I've the superstitious believe that 
scaling them increases render times...

> how do you do the houses, csg - yes- but what size typically as a 
> standalone object for devel, and then scale by some factor, to fit in, 
> process of emphirical adjustment until it looks right?

   They are just a bunch of boxes. I scale them randomly to have sizes 
between 5 and 15 metters of side (in the scene scale).

> please post source or some tantalising snippets to aid understanding ?

   Wait, I'm still cleaning and commenting it. And the web page for the 
LOTW project must be done too...


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