POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : My LOTW project (145K) : Re: My LOTW project (145K) Server Time
27 Dec 2024 19:54:47 EST (-0500)
  Re: My LOTW project (145K)  
From: Samuel Benge
Date: 29 Apr 2004 16:40:54
Message: <40916804.6040900@hotmail.com>
Jaime Vives Piqueres wrote:

> Hi all:
> I've started my own "Landscape of the week" project, following the idea 
>   and general concepts of the LOTW project by Christoph Hormann. I'm 
> really amazed of what he achieved with isosurfaces, so I tried too...

Jamie, I was caught off-guard by your image. Suddenly there was this 
photo-realistic image of a landscape before me... My mind thought, "it 
must be Christoph!" right before I saw your name.

Very, very good work! Inspiration has been a trickle for me lately. With 
images like this, however, I might just overcome this creativity barrier 
I'm standing in front of.

> Well, I hope to not abandon also this project, as I do with 99% of my 
> proyects lately. I've a sort of sinusoidal inspiration these days...
> Regards,
> -- 
> Jaime

You really should continue with this idea! You can cover some ground 
Christoph hasn't yet. In fact, you've already advanced on a few things.

I'd like to see fluted columns of eroded stone and limestone cave 
entrances eventually. Maybe those are some landscape elements I'll try 
to depict :)

-Samuel Benge

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