There's always the POV-Ray objects collection at
http://objects.povworld.org/. I don't remember seeing forks and spoons
there, though.
Also, Txemi Jendrix has a hamapatch tutorial
(http://www.txemijendrix.com/tutoriales/Hamapatch01/intro.html) with which
you can learn to create a cup and spoon. It's in Spanish, but if you don't
read Spanish, there's always http://babelfish.altavista.com, which does a
fair amount of translating. Just realize that "bellboy" actually means
"mouse button". That was the funniest/strangest mis-translated item I
Also, if you don't mind going through the trouble of importing from 3DS and
other formats, www.3dcafe.com has a very large number of free objects.
"Bryan Valencia" <bry### [at] 209softwarecom> wrote in message
> I'm looking for a way to do place settings for these tables.
> Fork, knife, spoon, folded cloth napkin, and a water glass.
> It doesn't have to stand up to a lot of scrutiny.
> Is there a library of such things around?
> or
> What can I use to model these items?
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