"stephen parkinson" <ste### [at] zmemw16demoncouk> wrote in message
> actually thinking about it, the coils on mine are composed of about
2 or
> 3 turns parallel sided, then it goes conical from about 5 turns
Is it just the parallel coils that are holding the keys? I haven't
got any here at the moment, so these were from memory.
> how many lights, 3 ?
One area light and one point light set at rgb <.8, .8, .8>. I was
trying to see if the point light might 'grey' the keys a little more.
> maybe dim the high intensity one, and move it to reduce the glare
> the tile ?
Yes, I wasn't sure if I should keep that or not, but then, I'm sure
I've seen an example of this in RL. I'll re-render, and move it around
a little.
> stephen
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