"Dan P" <dan### [at] yahoocom> wrote in message
> There is no such thing as randomness. We, as humans, conceive of that
> which is too complex for us to objectify as "chaos". You're brilliance
> might be complex and subconscious, but it is there!
Well actually it's neither complex or subconcious. I can explain exactly how it
came about: The light position is <-1,3,-2>, which puts it in a quadrant behind
and to the left (which is where I needed it) and uses the figures 1, 2, and 3
which I always use when I first position things in a scene ('cause it's easy and
not obviously axis aligned)!
In fact, the best thing about the lighting is that the light source is very
close to the objects, because I forgot to multiply the light position by 1000!!!
So the thing that looks best was a typo! :)
The big white box was created in a similar way but without a typo, I shalln't
bore you with the details.
> (Another fine message from Psychobabbles 'r Us!(TM))
I know what you mean, but on this occasion I used the word random in an
innapropriate sense, I tend to use "random" to mean "unplanned", or I suppose
even "darwinian", which is actually nothing like the true meaning of random.
It's like I have my own particular type of slang! :)
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