----- Original Message -----
From: "stephen parkinson" <ste### [at] zmemw16demoncouk>
> tell me you're animating it, please please
> shouldn't one of spheres be flattened?
> stephen
Yes I am! It's perfect for the IRTC right now ("Classic Sci-Fi")
This was really just a test image, so I used normal spheres. If they are
ball bearings though they wouldn't squish much - the point of tank treads is
to spread the weight out. The ground pressure is only about double a
regular foot soldier.
It would probably crack the concrete though.
My plan was to drive the tank/treads across a height field and CSG a shallow
indendation behind it. I was trying to use some trace() statements to find
the height of the terrain and 'tilt' the tank body to match, but most of the
code I've found is for a 4 wheel object. It just doesn't look right when it
goes over large objects (craters).
If you look through the forum at my earlier image you'll get an idea of what
the tank looks like :)
I'm having a bad problem with Mechsim right now, looking at the deadline,
and in a state of mild panick!
== John ==
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