Veronica Alveari wrote:
> Alright, I just downloaded POVray v3.5 and Moray v3.5, set everything up
> properly, make a glass object (sphere, transparent, IOR 1.45) to test out
> those fancy schmancy photons I've been hearing so little about, and nothing
> happened. In fact, with photons enabled, the transparent object actually
> cast a shadow. Mirrors I've tried don't do anything. No reflection,
> nothing. I remembered to enable photons globally, on the light source, and
> designated the object as a no-gather target.
> What could be going wrong and how do I fix it?
Basically, photons are ornery li'l varmints, and they're shy, to boot.
Make certain that the background upon which you are casting the photons
is not set as a target, and increase count/decreae spacing.
Tim Cook
Version: 3.12
GFA dpu- s: a?-- C++(++++) U P? L E--- W++(+++)>$
N++ o? K- w(+) O? M-(--) V? PS+(+++) PE(--) Y(--)
PGP-(--) t* 5++>+++++ X+ R* tv+ b++(+++) DI
D++(---) G(++) e*>++ h+ !r--- !y--
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