> I'm looking to render some hanging velvet curtains, like you might see
> in front of a stage at a theatre. I haven't any idea, however, where to
> start with such a texture/shape. Are patches/splines the only way to
> handle it?
> I'm kind of looking for something where I could give it a bounding box,
> say, and have it be the right size, rather than hand-crafting a specific
> curtain for each size doorway I'm putting a curtain into, but I'll do
> the latter if that's the only way.
> Has anyone already done this and would be willing to give me hints or
> even texture declarations?
Velvet textures are quite angle-dependent and this is not supported in
regular POV-Ray. You need the angle of incidence pattern of MLPov
http://martial.rameaux.free.fr/mael/mlpov083.html for this.
In regular POV-Ray, this can be more or less faked using the slope pattern
if the objects are not too large (I've used the trick on small furry animals
but I don't know how it looks on velvet curtains).
#include "colors.inc"
#declare cam_location=-z*10;
#declare cam_look_at=0;
camera {
location cam_location
right x*image_width/image_height
look_at cam_look_at
#declare Position=<4,0,0>;
light_source{<100,100,-200> White*2}
threshold 0.6
sphere{0,1.7,1 translate -y}
sphere{0,1.7,1 translate x+y}
sphere{0,1.7,1 translate -x+y}
slope {Position-cam_location,0,0.5}
[0.3 pigment{Red} finish{ambient 0 diffuse 0.3 specular 0.1
roughness 1/100}] // inner
[1 pigment{Red} finish{ambient 0 diffuse 1 specular 0.1
roughness 1/100}] // outer
translate Position
There's also a velvet-like texture here http://runevision.com/3d/povgoodies/
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