Other couple questions that are related to this topic. Here is a piece of
code from the CSG that I'm trying to optimize.
#declare rear_tire = difference {
sphere {<0, 85, 0>, 85 scale <1,1,.2>}
union {
cone {<0, 85, 20>, 50 <0, 85, -20>, 60}
cone {<0, 85, -20>, 50 <0, 85, 20>, 60}
bounded_by { box {<-85,0, -13>, <85,170, 13>} }
I can tell by viewing the bounding slabs with the +UD option that this has a
tighter bounding slab then it would if I didn't specify a bounded_by box.
First question: Why? I did not use the -UR option and the documentation
says "To turn off the automatic removal of manual bounds you should specify
Remove_Bounds=off or use -UR. The default is Remove_Bounds=on." Isn't the
above a manual bound?
Second question: In terms of optimization does it make any difference if
the above union is replaced with a merge? I also just now spotted this line
in the documentation "The CSG difference operation takes the intersection
between the first object and the inverse of all subsequent objects." I just
verified that the above union statement isn't even needed. Would removing it
cause it to render faster? Its a little easier for me to follow the code if
I leave it in there.
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