POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : transmit question : Re: transmit question Server Time
5 Nov 2024 11:17:27 EST (-0500)
  Re: transmit question  
From: Dan P
Date: 30 Jan 2004 22:07:54
Message: <401b1c0a$1@news.povray.org>
I think you may have sparked an idea on this question. There currently isn't
a way to refer to an object's components by using dot notation. In your
case, it would have been possible if only we could do something like this:

color object.pigment transmit 0.5

- or -

color object.pigment.red object.pigment.green object.pigment.blue transmit

color transmit 0.5

is equivalent to

color red 0 green 0 blue 0 transmit 0.5

And, after digging a lot, I couldn't find a way to get the pigment from the
object without using a #define or #macro value. Maybe the next version of
PovRay could provide some "object introspection" that will allow us to refer
to specific components of an object?

Actually, I'm going to download the code and look at that one this weekend.
I don't expect that to be hard to do.


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